
GCR Achieves RecyClass Certification for All CICLIC® Products

GCR is proud to announce that we have successfully attained RecyClass certification for our entire CICLIC® product range, including pre-consumer and post-consumer grades, development products, and toll manufacturing. With this certification, GCR allows our customers to seamlessly integrate recycled plastic content with confidence.

Our recycling processes and associated management systems have been rigorously audited, meeting the Recycling Process Audit requirements in line with EN 15343:2007. This ensures the traceability of recycled plastics, specifically PE-LD, PE-HD, and PP.

Previously, we held the EuCertPlast certification, which also ensured traceability in recycling according to the UNE-EN 15343:2007 standard. Transitioning to RecyClass allows us to continue providing reliable certification for the traceability of plastic waste within a Recycling Process and provides a declaration of the percentage of recycled content (pre-consumer and post-consumer) in Recycled Outputs.

Integrating recycled plastic content into diverse applications is crucial for advancing sustainability. Equally important is having a reliable certification system to verify the traceability and origin of our products. RecyClass certification also allows our customers to achieve Blue Angel certification thanks to our PCR products, deduct the tax on virgin plastic in non-reusable packaging in Spain, and declare a percentage of recycled content at the European level.

We are proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing to lead the way in sustainable plastic solutions.